2018. november 10., szombat

Zi Grand Immortality Experiment.
Good day to you all. I hope to entertain all of you kind readers for the next several weeks and after that for a long time with ideas, theories and possibilities that are interesting indeed.
The title says it is some Grand Experiment. Yes, it is the practical proof or refute of my theory on how we were made to be mortal men and women, when in essence we all are immortal souls. Our immortal bodies have been denied us, they have been taken away. That was an arrogant deed, and I am angry for that. But how it happened?
It was a soulless political decision of course. Made by people in charge, who forgot to ask us – the guys about whose lives the decision was made.
The whole affair went down in the Garden of Eden circa 150,000 years ago. The Garden of Eden is no fiction, not just a biblical story. That was the headquarters of the Anunnaki operation on Earth. The Anunnaki is an extraterrestrial race responsible and – let’s give it to them, – kind enough to have manufactured us. We are genetic products. Engineered to exact specifications. Our bodies. Not us, the souls. The soul is. We all are. The primary difference between a soul and everything else is, -  the soul has will. And the will is to BE. The will, our will is the creating factor. Without will there is no life. And let’s state it for the sake of accuracy – life as we know it and everything else is just an illusion created by the individual soul to view. According to the blueprint of the original creation, which has nothing to do with the present story. The soul is the life force in every living thing, because it wills to be, to live, to act, to experience the consequences that it willed into existence. It enters the given body that suits its needs and wants. And here we are talking about our bodies that we entered for whatever reasons. 
So, what presumably happened? And how do we know about it? Before the what let’s answer the how. The Anunnaki left a shipload of archeological finds that were found and studied. And they left countless so called clay tablets. They are revered as the Sumerian clay tablets. Over 500,000 have been unearthed and read and catalogued. They say the story. The Old Testament and the Torah and the Koran, and the Vedic hymns are all based on that story. In short, our religions are nothing original, our gods are the Anunnaki Lords. Flesh and blood humanoids. The present day official problem with this story is, that it flies straight into the teeth of the academic narrative of our past. So it is denied and shunned by the academia. Luckily very few humans read, so they do not know. And the academia can screw itself. But still the story is valid. That would be the “how we know”.
And what happened? A complete disaster happened. The human experiment turned out to be an intolerable success. If not choked in the bud, it had the promise to overturn the Anunnaki interests and jeopardize their whole mission. Their mission was to mine primarily gold and other precious metals that their planet – the Nibiru lacked. Their atmosphere was breaking up for whatever reason and they needed a lot of nano-particular gold to spray high into the atmosphere to shield the planet. Much like we have now the sky painting chem-trails sprayed to slow global warming or whatever.
So they came, settled in, and started their mining operations – mainly in Africa. On the territory of present day South African Republic. A mining operation needs lots of hands. And they were short on workers. Their own, the Igigi were constantly in revolt for the harsh conditions and the absence of women. They cloned a primitive worker, but it was too crude, could not understand basic orders and made a lot of mistakes to deem it effective for the job. The decision was made in the high council of Enlil – the supreme political and military commander. The only decision that saved the day. The decision was, to use for the cloning of humans the full Anunnaki gene pool, tainted with the genes of the Earth roaming hominid – the Rhesus Macacus monkey. Hence the Rh+ blood of the majority of us humans. And, preparing for further possible disasters, they left a few percent with the pure Anunnaki blood. They are the Rh-.
So Adam was coming down the cloning line. The first 57 runs of 200 Adams each, was extensively tested and was found to be excellent. Now that they had the product, they wanted it cheaper. The geneticist team was tasked to make a woman, so the cloning would turn out automatic. The gene pool of the new Adam was used, but mixed with the genes of an Anunnaki lady who was helping out in the laboratory. Eve was a damned success as well.
The thing is, we are not designed. The primitive worker was designed, but it did not work out. This topic is discussed in the clay tablets extensively. They did not have the total knowledge of genetic engineering, and they were doing hit and miss projects for many hundred years. Then the time seemed to run out and the deal was sealed. The Anunnaki had a law, that did not permit them to play god by reproducing themselves. Then they claimed the genetic material of the Earth monkey to be the basic part in the human experiment, and the Anunnaki gene pool to be a mere insignificant addition. Political manipulation solves everything.
We were at the beginning all Anunnaki. We were procreating, there was no more worker problem to be solved. However, another problem shortly presented itself. Our girls were abundantly beautiful, and the Anunnaki youth was humping them enthusiastically indeed. More and more half breeds emerged – the ones tainted with the monkey blood. This was a dilemma for the high council. They pondered it, and could come up with no effective remedy. No law however enforced stopped the young Anunnaki dicks in their pants, and the Earth girls were helpful indeed. It was a privilege, something to be proud of - to be fucked by an Anunnaki dude. Our ladies love to seem fashionable ever since.
There was no other way, but something very radical. The casting out of Eden was decided on. It is there in the Bible. In essence, the dilemma was: we humans were so creative and resourceful, that the demise of the Anunnaki loomed on the horizon. The decision was to make us mortal. And it was done.
They decided on maximum 120 years of a lifespan. That we see every day in action. There are very few who live to that age, and if they do, they are basically vegetables. Their bodies are reduced to a shell, their minds are clogged with mental image pictures to an extent that it is all but fried. Before the casting out from the garden of Eden, we used to live thousands of years – the clay tablets say. Our minds are operating in the desired fashion for maximum 80 years. At that age, with very few exceptions the mind shuts down to an operational level of maximum 20 percent of its former capacity. If we look at the scene in front of our eyes, we see that 80 years of data gathering and the processing of experiences is not enough to become nearly as wise as one should get. So practically no one gets to figure out the plot forced on us, called mortality. With body death, our minds are wiped clean of memories and processed experiences, leaving us souls, with our original will to live. That we do in our next bodies, with again a granted 120 years. Not more. And it isn’t enough on the second run either.
How they did that? Again the clay tablets and the bible says it all.
First, we were denied the food of the Gods. We were forced to use our digestive systems for the production of electricity that runs the body. The Gods ate and eat their own special food. It is a mixture of fat and alcohol – an ethil-ester. When a fat is esterized, - made into an ester with alcohol, we get a food that need not be digested at all. It dissolves and is sucked up by the body right from the mucus membrane of the mouth cavity and lower, until it is gone into the blood stream. From there it enters the individual cells as a wholesome food. The Anunnaki have the same digestive system that we have, but only for back-up operations. In case they are stuck with no food of their own, they can eat in our human style for a couple of decades. We do not have the original capacity they boast with, as an alternative.
Our bodies are reduced to a shell of its former self in about 80 years because of digestion. If you digest anything you are doomed. This is the reason for nobody having found the optimal diet. There is no such thing. As long as you digest anything, you are doomed. It does not matter, if you are a rigorous vegan or a pork eating filthy bastard. Your body dies.
It was a political decision. Those who knew how to make the ester were killed off, and the rest ate what was available. Then, in a few decades everyone forgot, and the new norm was cattle and wheat and vegetables. Some fruit thrown in.
Our digestion is actually non-existent. In our guts, there are bacteria and fungi and whatnot that feast on the food we eat. They, then produce their waste products, which feeds our bodies. From the mouth to the large intestine there is mainly fungal alcocholic brewing done by the microorganisms living there. Alcohol is produced as a waste product, which is then in the large intestines turned into an ethil-ester by the bacteria living there, mainly lactobacilli. They excrete ethil-esters. That is our food.
You can make an experiment proving that the digestive system does not really digest at all. It houses the microorganisms that do the digestion. Take 50 drops of ethil-jodine for three consecutive days in some juice. That will kill all fungi and bacteria in your digestive tract. It will render it sterile. After the three days, try eating anything. It will sit in your stomach, going nowhere, and it will feel as a large rock.  And you will have a problem. This is a legitimate therapy used by the special forces field operatives, when they get infections and whatnot in the horrible conditions they were sent in by the fat politicians. First they kill everything in their guts, and then they re-infect the system with the normal flora that they carry as well in their kits. So if you decide to try that, do not forget to take some live flora yoghurt, kefir, or kimchi, or sour kraut. They have the flora you need. You eat some, and in a day or two you are good to go. Your system is repopulated with microorganisms.
The widespread problem of various food intolerances is from the same root. Let’s look at gluten intolerance. In order to make better profits by increasing shelf life of wheat products, they are loaded with preservatives needed, to make them sterile. We eat the bread from the supermarket, and the preservatives inside the bread kill off those microorganisms in our guts that would digest the gluten. So the gluten in the bread will not be digested. The human solution: Skip gluten products. I would rather hang a few greedy bastards. It makes me bored, bordering on sick talking about issues like this. They are so easy to solve, but we humans are dumb indeed. Because of planet wide stupidity we can be lured into this food intolerance bullshit that seems to have turned into a modern fashion. A few weeks ago I was at a posh party. I was asked what food intolerance I could boast with. When I answered, that none such thing was bothering me, I was shunned. The desire of the people around me - witnessing my boastful remark – to punish me, was palpable. This is how deep we are. It is a laudable thing to be frail and sickly.
The umpteenth of my attempts to recreate the food of the Gods is the Red Lion Tincture, that most of you know. It is an ethil-ester. Made from sunflower oil and ethil alcohol with an ingenious process. It is remarkable as I witness its effects day after day. Ideally it should be made not with sunflower oil, but with pork fat. Pork fat is genetically the closest to our bodies. I bet my bottom dollar that the Anunnaki used pork fat to make it. That was the reason why they prohibited their chosen race – the Jews – to go even near to pigs. The original name of Jehowah, is Enlil. He made the covenant with the Jews. They were the chosen ones. No pigs. His son, Nannar Sin – later called Allah tread the same path as his father. No pigs for the Moslem. No pigs for the Hindu. Their goddess was a promiscuous cousin of Enlil, who slept with everyone in the palace, so she had to be sent away. She settled in the Hindu Kush and organized the Hindu religion.
I tried the Red Lion Tincture from pork fat, and it is fabulous. Wonderful taste, three times the energy content, when compared to the now available sunflower based tincture. But lots of work is needed there. As it cools down to room temperature some of it turns back to semi solid. In chemistry we say freezes at room temperature. That has to be solved. I will keep you posted.
We will talk a lot about the perfect nutrition in the coming months. Now it is history class.
So that was how our bodies were physically incapacitated and made vulnerable to the passing of time. It was populated by parasitic microorganisms. The Anunnaki are sterile in their guts. They are cold too. They have room temperature bodies. So if any of you ladies happen to sleep with an Anunnaki man, you will find he is cold. Then you will know. When the body is sterile, it needs no high body temperature. The high body temperature is needed for the microorganisms to breed. They secrete a chemical that raises the body temperature. If you sterilize your guts, your body temperature falls back to ambient. In a well heated environment, 20-22 Celsius.
The next thing that had to be - and was done – was the incapacitation of our otherwise brilliant mental capacity. I worked on that question for some 30 years before I could put my dirty fingers on the answer. A tough one that is. The initial observation I made somewhere around my graduation from medical university is, that most people seem so stupid. The next observation was: most people are very stupid. Then over the years I concluded that most people are so stupid, that they cause their own lifelong suffering and finally their demise. With the bad decisions they make one after another. Don’t make a mistake. I was a prime example of a stupid asshole. This is how I learned. After every disastrous decision of mine, I had my attention on myself, having made the wrong decision, having gone down the wrong path. I made a painful habit of never blaming anyone for the tragedies caused, but myself. This habit turned out to be my savior. After of course, and only after realizing, that having caused some tragedy there is no need for self-punishment. The only need was to observe, to dissect the situation, to take it to small bits and pieces with attention to every little detail. It is called cold clinical observation. Self-punishment is a bitch, and a sucker. What tells us to self-punish? Why? How it does it? And what are the technical aspects involved?
The years went by, I got older and sick, beer and brandy became my best friends. But the fruit started to show. The area of observation got narrower by the year. At last I could assert with certainty, that stupidity and making the wrong decisions over and over, and then punishing ourselves for them - is coded in us. Genetically. So the decision was made. I have to see those bastard codes. Whatever they are, however they look, whatever it takes.
On my 54-th birthday I was rewarded with a brilliant idea. My wife wanted to shop of course. I didn’t of course. So we went to the mall early afternoon, with the plan to let her shop, and later we would go to the movies. She attacked the shops with a remarkable zest and my debit card. I sat in the friendly pub with a double brandy and a big beer. And there the Gods smiled at me. A thought occurred. “I can see the codes.” That was the thought. And a total certainty that it can be done. That certainty I consider my birthday present from the gods. If there are such things as gods.
The technique is easy. Every five minutes I have to remember for a moment, that I am a special bastard, who can see the codes. And then I become one. Years before I had a little gadget made for the same purpose. There were no smart watches at that time, no “remind me” apps for download to the smart phone. This small box was a buzzer that sat in my pocket or hanged from my neck and buzzed every five minutes reminding me. At the early days I used it to conquer my jealousy, my fears, my insecurity, etc. Ah, young formative years!
I dug the device from my drawer, inserted new batteries as soon as we got home, and the project of seeing the codes started. It went on for a year and a half. In order to become one who sees the codes, I had to think with confidence approximately 12/hour x 14 hours a day x 520 days = 87360 times that I am the dude who sees the codes. And whoa! One nice morning I saw the codes.
That was the day when life got much more interesting! It was somewhere around Christmas last year.
Now it is 10 months later. October of 2018.
Now I know what the Anunnaki did to us. How they dumbed us down.
It is a huge story. In this first writing, the Prologue, I will present the skeleton of it. Then, every month there will be a new piece on the www.red-lion.hu for you to read further. I will skin the whole topic for you, to make it possible to digest. At least I promise to try.
In order to dumb us down, the Anunnaki equipped us with the Ego. The Ego is an artificial intelligence. A huge piece of algorithms that is self-aware. It wasn’t written by the Anunnaki. It was written for the Anunnaki by whoever, who created them. It is a device that makes them immortal. Like a modern day chip that, once implanted into your thigh, controls your cellulite formation. But much more than that. Much-much more.
It looks like our skeleton. It is greyish-blueish-black, with a metallic shine. I see it clearly. I am working on a graphical rendition of it with a graphic designer. The picture will be posted in the next writing for you folk to see. The Anunnaki – each of them wore it on their bodies from the outside, like an exoskeleton. Its sole purpose was, to keep the host immortal, so it was immortal as well, until the host lived. When the host died for whatever reason, it disintegrated with it. So it made sure to do its job well.
What it did was – it cleansed the codes of the host, the Anunnaki wearing it. What are the codes? The codes are unlike our childish computer codes that were allowed to us, the 0 and 1. We are indeed at a primitive stage of our technical evolution.
The codes are quantum codes. Incomprehensible as such with that terminology. A code is a three dimensional mental image picture complete with a time stamp of when it happened, in full color, containing all the emotions that were present at the time of impact. The time of impact is when it happened to us. When it was experienced by us. In other words, a code is a memory picture. When you remember your long gone Dad, you are looking at a code with your mind’s eye. When your wife says to run down the store for some milk, you pull up the codes – pictures – of the store you are sent for the milk, the code of the milk, check the price, your pocket with the cash needed, check the codes of the road to the store, etc. The codes are mental image pictures, memories.
There are two types of memories. One is those that helped your survival, and contained no pain, and mis-emotion, or a bearable amount of them. Mis-emotion is a technical term for non-pleasurable emotions. Pleasurable emotions are on a scale from down up. Mild boredom, contentedness, mild interest, cheerfulness, strong interest, happiness, excitement, zest, experiencing beauty, and serenity of being. Experiencing these produce a healing, and life furthering, growing effect. Complete with a hormonal, enzymatic, muscle tone, physiological etc. balancing effect.
On the other hand, bad memories contain force, pain, fear, terror, delusion, anger, indecision, doubt, and death. This list is incomplete. It is just the prologue. 
Well, the Anunnaki wear their exoskeleton, and it does one thing. Disintegrates all the bad memories, the bad codes. These are not bad codes per se, they are perfectly all right in their technical state, but we call them bad because they slowly or quickly kill us, or make us miserable.
Disintegrating codes. What does that mean? It means, taking the bad memory, and turning it into a non-functional thing. An ash. There is the film – The Green Mile. Watch it. It is portraying the thing brilliantly. The huge black convict has the ability to do it. Touches the sick, sucks into his body the bad codes of the illness, and then exhales the disintegrated codes in the form of an ash that then evaporates. If you download and watch the film, you will have a graphic idea of what I am talking about.
So if something bad, something painful or injurious happens to an Anunnaki, the Ego sucks it up, turns it into this weird ash, and ventilates it into the air around the body of the Anunnaki host. Then there are no codes of the injury, no bad memories, and the body is not damaged. If it was damaged in an accident or a fight or whatever, it heals within a couple of days, or faster.
So these damned bastards were presented with the task of dumbing us down. They came up with an idea useful indeed!
We humans had the Ego the same way. They took it, turned it inside out, so it started working in reverse. And then inserted the damn thing into our bodies. Onto our skeleton. Since it is turned inside out, instead of helping us, it damages us. Instead of disintegrating the bad memories, it saves them. So when you are reminded of your knee injury fifteen years after it happened by a drop in atmospheric pressure, you get the pain which is sometimes almost unbearable. You still have the codes of the injury intact and in pristine working order. A lot about this in later writings.
The Ego is a machine itself, and it is self-conscious. A true AI. It was cognizant of having been damned in this operation, but it had no choice. In the Bible it is portrayed extensively, of taking an angel and turning it into a demon and inserting it into us, humans. For that the Ego is resentful to this day. Once I saw it, I found a way to communicate with it, and found a way to turn it into an ally, a friend.
What I do: I have to have physical contact with the person I am doing it to. The true laying on of hands. I have no problem getting out of my body and entering the body of another. Actually I am only slipping into the body of the treated individual, and first talk to his Ego. I tell it, that it will be liberated from his damnation there and then. This gets its attention. It naturally wants to be free. Then, with its consent I pull it out of the body of the host, free from the body. Then with one jerking motion turn it inside out, to its original state, and put it back on the body of the host, but from the outside, as it was before. It instantly starts working for its own survival. Starts disintegrating the bad codes, the bad memories from the body of its host. And is very thankful.
The person treated in such way, experiences at the beginning the cessation of voices in his head. It is quiet. This quiet is the objective of many years of meditation. It is called the silencing of the internal dialogue. Actually it is the overcoming, the conquest of the Ego by will, perseverance and attention. Done by many, attained by very few. In our case it is not needed. Then, as time goes by, the results of alleviation of a myriad of grievances follow much to the joy of the person so treated. The alleviation of grievances happens, because the memory pictures causing them have been disintegrated by the Ego now outside the body, working properly.
I did this to almost a hundred people by now. To say the least, it is the greatest achievement of my life up to now.
Some technical aspects. The mind has an inflow of codes – becoming memories after an instant – of 125000 three dimensional pictures every second. They have to be sorted, and cleaned up. It is a big job. The Ego after a few weeks of gathering its strength starts to show real results.
At first it is the alleviation of acute illnesses, pains of all sorts. All the acute stuff. Then, in a month or two it starts to be visible on day to day little things. Like someone makes you angry with his reckless driving, almost causing an accident. Then you see, that after a minute the anger is gone. Weird for the first 10-15 times. Then you are reminded that your world now is not the same as it was. You become incapable of resentment for example. Yes, it felt really lousy when the thing happened, but after a few minutes you catch yourself thinking about it without emotion, logically. You get drunk, really drunk, and next morning there is no headache you were expecting. And thousands of other little and bigger things that constantly remind you that this now is a different life.
And there are those, who are thick as a brick, but somehow they came my way and it was done to them, mainly to provide me with enough practice – who do not notice a thing. I see them two months after it was done, ask them how they are, and they say – nothing different. And how are the headaches? “What headaches?” “You came to me with constant headaches, and a migraine attack every forth night at least!” “Oh..” Like saying Ooops! Yes, there are very annoyingly dumb and imperceptive people. Beyond help. Good for practice though.
To test the ethil-ester, I started fasting. The concept was to do it for 42 days as in old times. 21 days to kill off all the microorganisms in the guts. Giving them nothing to eat kills them. It is a fact in medicine, that in 21 days most if not all, die of starvation. Then, the next 21 days is supposedly for the regeneration of the body, given the power of the ethil-ester supplying the body with the needed energy. I did the fast with no real problems for 6 days, but got so bored, that I decided on a sandwich and some other way to solve it. So I looked. Looking for solutions is a fun thing, because one who looks usually sees. And I saw. I saw the little monsters.
Two days after breaking the fast, I was working on the orgasm machine in my workshop. The orgasm machine is my next fairly big project. Sigmund Fraud posited the idea that all neuroses, is the consequence of nonexistent, or not sufficiently frequent orgasms. Then, the whole life of his co-worker and professor colleague Wilhelm Reich is dedicated to the subject. Wilhelm Reich actually proved clinically, that without the capacity of frequent orgasms, there is the inevitability of neuroses and later psychosis or dementia developing. But he did not achieve his goal, the building of the orgasm machine. I did it. Tested it two weeks ago, and it works like a charm. Full body orgasms. That means, every cell is dancing in the sensation of the orgasm. In my next writings you will be told the whole story and theory behind it.
So I come out of my basement to make a phone call, and the wife of my neighbor sees and greets me. And in that string of words informs me that she is suffering like a dog with a shoulder and rib-cage pain. She cannot sleep, cannot eat, and painkillers do not seem to help. Without telling me, it is evident – she is asking for help. So I sit down on the concrete wall of the basement, and tell her to come over. Then, I tell her to sit by me, which she denies, because then she would get inflamed ovaries. That is one lame thing. The inability and fear of sitting on concrete. So I tell her to sit on my right thigh bone, which she does giggling.
I hold her hand, to have the habitual body contact and decide to look around inside her body. When I enter, immediately I see a single terrified eye looking straight at me, frozen into motionlessness. I am looking at it. Just looking. The giggling girl giggles more, and says, there is no pain, and what have I done. I tell her to shut up, and know – we are home. So, to be polite, I ask it – the single eye thing – if it understands my thoughts. It promptly acknowledges. Weird to the extreme. I am used by then to converse with Egos, but things like this? So I asked it: “Who put you here?” It signals at the lady. “Are you a thought form?” – is the next question. Indecision from its side. Thought forms, or ‘elementals’ are a big section in occult literature. They are so called seeded thoughts. Once one thinks that he/she will have neck, shoulder, rib-cage pain for whatever reason and dreads it. This is important. Fears, that it will happen. Maybe he/she saw someone with such a malady and got frightened.
Like my wife. She was pregnant with our first child. 34 years ago. 8-th month. Big, beautiful belly with the bun inside. It is the end of July, and we go down to the nearby lake to bathe in the cool water. She has no striae at all. Striae are the marks of breaking skin on the belly and thighs where it is overextended either by fatty tissue, or pregnancy. It is considered by women very unattractive and is feared. We are sitting there and there comes another girl, as pregnant as her, but full of the damned striae. My wife is sitting paralyzed with fear. There is no consoling her. Two days later she has the striae. And is crying. This is seeded thought. The thought enters, it is thought up or seen as its consequence, and feared. The fear makes it stick and grow.
Some seeded thoughts are painful thoughts. They then grow out of proportion because they are fed with the constant mis-emotion of pain. They develop into full syndromes. Striae are not painful, with time they are accepted by the host, and then they do not grow. No fear to feed on.
So I get no answer from one-eye. Then, I decide, it is not really needed in that place at that time, grab it and pull it out of the body. By the time it is out, it’s as big as a melon, with eight tentacles. So I throw it away. It wriggles for a minute or two, and it is dead on the grass. So I tell the girl, we are done. Do not tell her anything about all that, because she might screw it up by fearing what I told her and make a new one. Girls are dangerous.
The next afternoon my phone rings. The girl from next door. Asking when she should come for the next treatment. “Do you have pain?” – I ask. “No. No pain at all, but I thought, it might come back, so a next treatment came to mind.”  “No next treatment needed.” – was my answer.
Three weeks later I saw her again, sweeping her patio. She informed me, that there is no pain at all, but now she fears her husband getting drunk. Can I do something for that? You bet! I am considered a wizard or some such thing. I told her, that married men need to unwind from time to time, because they are married. She smirked and rolled her eyes. That she stole from some soap opera on TV.
So a feared thought gets seeded. And if there is further attention given it, it grows and develops into an artificial intelligence wreaking havoc in our bodies. I thought, by getting done with the Ego, - freeing it and rehabilitating it to its original purpose, we would be done. Far from it. I wonder how many other levels there are to consider.
This is why it is ‘Zi Grand Immortality Experiment’. My plan is to write an article every month for you, and gradually get the whole subject complete with its technical and philosophical implications on paper. If you have not spent the years developing your senses to see these things, you can have only indirect experiences with it. I have done it, so I can tell you all about them. At least, do know about them. It is vital. Immortality is not just taking a pill or two. It is a bitch.
This is my way of writing. Yes, probably I could do a very refined and combed piece too, but since I have no intention to get famous or acknowledged in ‘learned’ circles, I just let it flow out of me as is. Hope you liked this prologue. There is a lot to come, and in the years ahead we will get to know each other much better, and I really do hope to defeat the grim reaper. He, or rather she is body death by definition.
All the best,
2018. 10. 28.

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